9 Ways Partners of Porn Addicts Can Tackle Self-Doubt

September 19, 2023

No matter how confident you may have been before discovery, finding out that your significant other has been compulsively using pornography creates self-doubt. It breaks your trust, causes emotional instability, and leaves you feeling uncertain. Moments of self-doubt can be fleeting in the beginning, but over time, they add up and cause you to lose the connection to your true self. 

Healing the trauma you experienced after discovery can help you release self-doubt and rebuild your confidence. If you don’t release it, self-doubt can have a negative impact on your emotional wellbeing. You’ll believe you aren’t good enough. You’ll lose the motivation to live your best life and end up settling for less than you deserve. 

If you are experiencing self-doubt, take some time to address how you feel and practice self-compassion. Know that how you are feeling is common after discovery. The steps on your healing journey will help you overcome self-doubt and insecurity so you can heal the emotional pain and start to feel better.  When you do, you’ll feel more in control. 

9 Ways To Overcome Self-Doubt

  • Focus on what you want and need. 
  • Do something you love.
  • Journal about your feelings of self-doubt. 
  • Surround yourself with supportive people.
  • Practice mindfulness and stay in the present moment.
  • Don’t compare yourself to others. 
  • Use affirmations. 
  • Manage triggers.
  • Practice gratitude.

Next time you notice self-doubt creeping in, try the steps above to help you overcome it.

Healing the trauma of discovery isn’t easy but you will achieve personal wins along the journey. Be proud of your progress and keep moving toward feeling better. You have what it takes to heal and regain your confidence. 

Other people will see your progress too. Your support system is a valuable resource to tap into when you need them. You don’t have to travel this journey alone. Your friends and family love you and they want to help. If you have a therapist or a coach, they also want to help. Lean on people who can support you.

Remind yourself that you deserve happiness, success, and inner peace! Then take action to replace self-doubt with self-confidence.