Self-Love is So Important for Partners

January 14, 2022

Throughout your relationship, you have shown a tremendous amount of strength. You had no idea that you would need every ounce of that strength to recover and heal from his porn addiction.

I’m sure you can think of several examples of how your talents and skills made your relationship, your home, and your life (together) run smooth. It was normal for you. It’s just who you are. Family and friends look to you for advice or help and you gladly give it. Even after discovery, you had feelings of self-doubt and personal despiar, but it never stopped you from helping others.

Love yourself the way you others

We aren’t as good about showing ourselves the same love and dedication that we show others. Giving to others comes naturally and it feels better than asking others for help. Because we don’t verbalize what we need, we often feel lonely and overwhelmed.

You’ve tried everything that you can think of to build a great relationship and help your husband through his addiction. You’ve tried to keep life as normal as possible for your kids. If you had been keeping score between all of the things that you do for others and what you do for yourself, you’d find that you are the one who has been neglected. You deserve everything that you have been giving to others and more! It won’t be easy to show yourself that same love and attention, but it is important.


Fill your cup first

I know you have heard this many times before – you have to love yourself and take care of yourself before you can love or take care of others. You deserve to take time for yourself and engage in self-love activities. It’s okay to take step back from constantly giving to others and focus on taking care of yourself.

Self – love activities

Engaging in self-love activities is good for your health and wellbeing. When you love yourself, you accept everything about yourself. Try these self-care love activities:

  • Create routines that meet your personal needs and establish the life that you deserve
  • Get quiet and really listen to your inner self
  • Be grateful for all that you are and all that you have in your life
  • Take the word “should” out of your vocabulary
  • Stop worrying about what other people think
  • Don’t compare yourself to others
  • Practice self-acceptance
  • Engage in self-care
  • Remove toxic things and people from your life
  • Live by your own values
  • Trust yourself and your intuition
self love activities