Stop Competing With Pornography It’s very common for partners of porn addicts to feel like they need to compete with pornography and the seemingly perfect bodies of porn stars. You have images of the women he looks at seared into your mind. When you compare your body...
How to Heal Rejection When your husband turns to porn instead of being intimate with you, it feels like rejection. Instead of feeling accepted and loved, you feel like you aren’t good enough. You’re not what he wants. It can even feel like you are being pushed out of...
How Betrayal Changes You Partners of porn addicts are betrayed by one of the people they trust most in the world, their significant other. Discovery changes you. Discovering that your significant other has a secret, porn habit is devastating. It’s a shock. It’s a loss...
Porn Addiction Ruins Intimate Relationships Intimacy is a physical and emotional closeness between you and your significant other. You feel supported through the intimate connection you have with him. Intimate relationships provide a safe place to be vulnerable. A...
3 Ways Porn Addiction Hurts the Partner June 09, 2022 Porn addiction hurts. It hurts the addict, it hurts their family and friends, and it hurts society. Porn addiction is extremely painful for the partner. It is soul crushing to know that someone you love deeply...
Trust After Betrayal April 15, 2022 In an intimate relationship, you expect your significant other to respect you, have your best interests at heart and to be honest with you. You trust in the love that you feel for each other. After betrayal, trust disappears. When...