Three Characteristics of a Healed Partner

Three Characteristics of a Healed Partner

Three Characteristics of a Healed Partner February 13, 2022 Once you’ve recovered from the trauma and healed from the betrayal, it’s time to focus on living a life that serves you and that lights you up. Facing that future can be a little scary and exciting at the...
Forgiveness is For You

Forgiveness is For You

Forgiveness is For You December 30, 2021 Forgiving your husband won’t be easy, but it’s worth a try.  The anger and hurt that you feel is completely justified. But, the longer you hold onto it and replay the discovery and all of the details of his betrayal...
Healing from the Betrayal of his Addiction

Healing from the Betrayal of his Addiction

Healing from the betrayal caused by your husband’s pornography addiction can be a long and winding journey. In my mind, healing actually begins after a period of recovery from the acute traumatic experiences that you have had. When you begin to heal, you’ve gotten...