Partners of Porn Addicts: Let Go of the Betrayal The betrayal you feel when you discover your significant other’s secret porn use is intense. It shakes you to the core. You expected him to have your best interests at heart and he didn’t. The openness and honesty that...
Three Components of Self-Compassion for Partners of Porn Addicts Discovering that your significant other has a problem with pornography is traumatic. It’s important to have self-compassion as you navigate the aftermath of discovery and begin the journey of recovery....
How to Change Negative Self-Talk to Positive Self-Talk Self-talk is the inner dialogue you have with yourself. The inner dialogue consists of the thoughts that you don’t speak out loud but you say to yourself in your mind. It can be positive, negative, or neutral. ...
Letting Go of the Pain Caused by His Porn Addiction May 31, 2022 Discovering that your significant other has a secret obsession with pornoraphy is painful. Letting go of the pain is a conscious decision. You have to decide to focus on the future and on your growth as...
Writing to Heal: A Beneficial Practice for Partners of Porn Addicts March 19, 2022 Discovering secrets and lies in your intimate relationship creates emotional pain. Writing can be a helpful tool as you move through the pain and begin to heal the emotional wounds. Not...
Start a Journaling Practice to Heal March 05, 2022 Journaling is a great way to check in with yourself on a regular basis. A consistent journaling practice will capture your full range of thoughts and experiences from the good to the bad and everything in-between....
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