Building Resilience After Discovering his Obsession with Pornography

August 01, 2023

Discovering your significant other’s secret obsession with pornography turned your life upside down. You were shocked and overwhelmed. In an instant, everything you thought you knew came into question. The answers you found weren’t easy to accept, but they helped you understand your new reality. 

There may have been many times since discovery that you thought you would break. You may have wondered how you would survive the devastation. What would life look like on the other side? 

Resilience is what helped you get through this challenge. It helps you heal and get back to a life that feels good and serves your best interests. You’ve been building resilience throughout your whole life. Every time you faced a challenge or setback, you became stronger.

Building resilience


Here are 4 ways to continue building resilience, so you can recover from the shock of discovery, heal the emotional pain, and thrive in life. 

Focus on what you can control. You cannot control your significant other. He makes his own decisions and takes the actions he wants to take. You can control what you do, what you think, and how you feel. You can control how you respond to situations and what you allow in your life. 

Use this situation for personal growth. Even though, it hasn’t been fun or easy, you can still use discovery and healing the trauma for your own good. See how it has changed you and own who you are today because of it. Acknowledge all that you have been through and how much strength it took to get through it. You are one strong lady!

Believe you are worthy of a good life. Don’t settle. Visualize a life where your needs and wants are met. See yourself enjoying life again. Once you know what it looks and feels like, start to build it. Go after your best life and don’t settle for less. His problem with porn is one part of your history. It’s one part of your life. Don’t let it define you or your self-worth. 

Acceptance helps build resilience. If you can accept your significant other has an obsession with pornography and that it caused upheaval in your relationship, you can let go of the emotional hold it’s had on you. Trying to fight reality creates suffering. You can’t change what happened. You can’t change who he is. But, you can choose to accept it and shift your focus toward your future. Go after your goals and dreams.

Discovery wasn’t just one challenge. It was the beginning of several challenges for you as a woman, for your relationship, and for your life. You may not have realized that with each step along the way, you were building resilience. It wasn’t until you came through it all, that you realized your ability to keep moving forward to the life you deserve. 

As the trauma heals and your emotions become more stable, begin to shift how you view the situation. For a long time, it has felt bad. Heck, it was bad. As you move further along on your healing journey, maybe you can start to see that there were some good things that happened in your life too. You changed and evolved. You learned things about yourself and your relationship that can help you make decisions to guide you forward in a positive direction. You were building resilience. 

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