
This is a safe space to find resources for partners of pornography addicts. It’s with mixed feelings that I say that I’m glad you’re here because I wish you weren’t going through this situation at all. At the same time, I’ve been there and know how much his pornography addiction has hurt you and turned your life upside down. Let’s experience transformation and healing together. 

Chronic Betrayal: The Impact on Partners of Porn Addicts

Chronic Betrayal: The Impact on Partners of Porn Addicts

As a partner, you’ve certainly felt the impact of your husband’s pornography addiction. It can truly be damaging with far-reaching effects into your health (both physically and emotionally), your social and family life, and even into your soul, changing who you are at...

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Pornography Addicts Do These 8 Things

Pornography Addicts Do These 8 Things

Is your significant other's pornography addiction ruining more than your relationship? There are so many unhealthy and toxic things that partners experience in these relationships. This list is not all-inclusive, but here are 8 things you may be experiencing....

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coaching for partners of pornography addicts


I am a wife, a mother, a sister, a daughter, an animal lover, a wine lover, a music lover, and the partner of a pornography addict. I look forward to connecting with you through your healing process. In my professional life, I am a healthcare businesswoman and a certified transformational life coach. Because of my own personal experience as a partner of a pornography addict, I am on a mission to provide resources for partners of pornography addicts, and help others heal and grow so they can live an amazing life.


Download my FREE ebook “Cultivate a Healing Mindset”

Partner Recovery Coaching

Coaching for amazing women who have endured life with a pronography addict. You don’t want to stay stuck where you have been for years only to find out in the end that you need outside help. Let me help, start by booking a free consultation. 

let go of the betrayal