About Dynamic Deliberate Dame

It’s with mixed feelings that I say that I’m glad you’re here because I wish you weren’t going through this situation at all. At the same time, I’ve been there and know how much his pornography addiction has hurt you and turned your life upside down. I look forward to connecting with you through your healing process. In my professional life, I am a healthcare business-woman and a certified transformational life coach. Because of my own personal experience as a partner of a porn addict, I am on a mission to help other partners heal and grow so they can live an amazing life. 

support for partners of porn addicts

Take Control!

It has taken a lot of time and work to get to where I am today! I ‘d love to help you get there too. 

coaching for partners of pornography addicts

My Story

I am married to a porn addict.

I was blindsided by his addiction early in our marriage and then dealt with multiple discoveries over the next several years.

I spent a large amount of my time in the early years trying to help him, trying to become what he was searching for outside of our intimate relationship, and trying to control his addiction. 

The impact was slow. I began to withdraw socially and then my mood changed, and then I tried to gauge his sobriety while keeping up the facade of our perfect relationship with the outside world.

Then I hit a wall. The writing on that wall said “What in the world are you doing? You are better than this and you are fine just the way you are!”

So, I started my healing and recovery journey. The beginning was hard because my focus was still mainly on him and on “us”.

It wasn’t until I realized that I needed to focus on my needs in my own recovery process and truly do the inner work on myself/for myself, that I began to make progress.

The realization that I needed to work on me was the key (But there were still many steps and many obstacles to overcome.)

  1. I went to therapy.
  2. I separated from my husband for a while.
  3. I found my passions, defined my needs, and began to come back.

Only then could I face the partner life successfully.

-I respond to triggers in a different way now.
-I make sure that I engage in activities because I want to and not because he expects or would like me to.
-I am more relaxed.
-I have more confidence and believe in myself.
-I look for unexpected blessings and do not to focus on the negative.
-I am more in control of my emotions and my responses.

I can’t live without: 

My Daily Planner

Where I collect all of my random thoughts, plan my schedule, and keep my life somewhat organized.

My Kids and my Rescue Dogs

They all provide great companionship and purpose in my life.


It speaks to my soul and makes me happy. Let’s discuss our favorite artists!

How it works

Book a Consultation

We will connect for an initial consultation to establish where you are in the recovery process and what your goals are. 

Tackle the Struggles

We will meet 3 times a month to focus on your healing journey. We will review your goals and progress, address any new issues, and make sure you have the tools you need for a successful recovery.

Experience Peace & Growth

You will have new skills that will serve you in all areas of your life, so you can finally get back to your true self. I can't wait to meet the new happier YOU!

help for partners of porn addict

If you are ready then I am ready too

I am passionate about helping you get to a similar place in your life where you can experience calm, balance, fun, better health and happiness again.

Whether you plan to stay in the relationship or leave or haven’t decided yet, you need to heal from the trauma you’ve experienced.

I will support you every step of the way. I can help you get back to the real you and enjoy your life again.

Learn more about how you can work with me.

Why I chose Dynamic Deliberate Dame?


We are all dynamic women and most of us have forgotten that along the way. The addiction, the betrayal, the sense of uncertainty have taken away our dynamic and fun characteristics and have required that we be vigilant, quiet, and focused on protecting ourselves.


In the recovery and healing process, we need to make deliberate decisions and choices that will meet our needs and desires. We have the power to create the life that we want to live and stop living a life that doesn’t serve us.


By definition, a dame is a woman of authority and maturity. That is who we are and who we must continue to be in the future.

Coaching Services

Coaching for Partners of Pornography Addicts

Learn about how partner recovery coaching can help you move through the trauma and make your healing a priority.

letting go of the pain
build a strong relationship
let go of the betrayal